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  • gyanandrew5


How comes one’s supposed to have four extra eyes?. Whiles every human being is qualified for two eyes. When I talk about four extra eyes doesn’t refer to the normal eyes we use to see or trying to talk about something spiritual that may sound very strange to people. But they are the eyes which provide everything you need as far as success is a concern. The moment ones fail to have the four extra eyes one way or another you remain a stranger or been an idle person who may don’t know what to do in life. In life, anything you want to achieve lies in front of your face but before those things can be achieved there is a must for you have the extra four eyes. It is impossible to choose one out of these to be able to progress or to succeed in life without adding the rest. For instance, if your one normal eyes decide to lose sight then the other find it difficult to capture both sides as one supposed to remain at one side and other one supposed to remain at another side so that your sense of vision becomes clearer. This may sound strength because you might have two main eyes that see clear but yet you are a blind person in disguise. Because the two eyes you do have, have the mandate to see things as the way it supposed to be described. In every impact you make in life then it is advisable to have all the four extra eyes. You don’t know what you supposed to do in life and you think life is always full of burden because the idea of using the four extra eyes to bring change into your life is not there. Life deal with the principle that when you fail to understand you will always wonder how it works. You don’t need a seer to explain about the four eyes or a professor who knows everything. But it is something that is being revealed daily as far as success is concerned. Because of the lack of these eyes, a lot of people describe as lazy and good for nothing. And indeed you can easily become good for nothing when you fail to make good use of them and also notice them be the main keys needed in life to unlock opportunities. Let find out how the four extra eye works or how does it make an impact or change the life of people. The below explains the details about the whole things and there is something you already know but you have failed to notice them:


Vision eye: A vision eye been the first smartest eye to capture what is beyond the limit and brought them to light. Whatever the future takes to be can’t be recognized by the normal eye you use to see things in a way that you can easily describe them. Your vision eye could reveal to you the place of your choice In life but your normal eye will prove to you that there is no place as such so you don’t need to bother yourself. Vision eye captures the details and the mysteries of life which the normal eye find it difficult to capture. And whatever the vision eye reveals to you is not stable without making the effort to make it stable. Whenever you live without a vision eye you always remain aimless as people use to describe. There is no way you can be a successful person without making good use of the vision eye. It’s just like driving a car whereby you don’t know where your destination is as far as life is a concern. If you are eager to discover a successful future then be very serious about how your vision eye is being used. Your vision eyes contain the things that you suppose to add and also what you suppose to deduct whiles you aim to live in the environment of success, as well as future, become the final destination of choice.


Focus eye: Focus been the second eye to monitor the vision so that whatever the vision eye contains will fulfil its task. Focus eye prepares you both physically and mentality in such that you are ready for a specific task. Because when whenever your focus eye become blind then the vision eye will find it difficult to operate. The focused eye proves to you that no matter what happens you have something to achieve. You have a destination that called a future so that the mind will be paid much attention without any sense of distraction. You can’t live to create or invent anything without making good use of the focused eye as far as the visions eye is a concern. For instance, if your vision is to build a mansion with a specific style then the focused eye will have to make sure that anything concerning the mansion will not change based on the specification the vision eye provided.


Determination Eye: Determination eye been the third eye that creates an environment which provides the strategic ways of achieving the result that both vision and focus have already put in place. Determination becomes a roadmap for both visions and focuses to fulfil the pending achievement. It is just like manufacturing a product the ingredient and water mixture will give you a clue of how the finishing point will be and if there are any mistakes it supposed to work on before the actual finish product can be brought into reality. And that is how the determination eye work. Anything both vision, focus and determination provide are remain in a dream that the normal eye that sees in a day can’t describe it as the

way it supposed to be as far as success is a concern.


Effort Eye: The effort eye that is the four eyes bring the determination, focus and vision plans to reality whereby the normal eye can easily see. Effort plays a major role in this because through creativity and invention effort has to work hard to bring it to the eyes of the world. Without effort, determination can’t work. Without determination, the focus can’t work and without focus, vision will not work. These are the four main eyes needed apart from the normal eye because you have been created to become a successful person in life as far as the future is a concern. If not you will keep depending on your normal eye that gives you the privilege to see things according to how is being described without adding any values to your personal life. being aware of your four extra eyes will prevent you from been lazy as far as the future is a concern. A word to a wise is enough.

– Gyan Andrew

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