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  • gyanandrew5


The future is not what you have achieved today it is about how well to maintain what you have to be able to secure your life.

The future is not about competing with what you have no idea it is about patience, and hard work to get fruitful results.

The future is not about living life anyhow. it is making good use of pending dreams to make them a reality, as well as success, is concerned.

The future is not a competition that which a winner will be classified within the shortest possible time but it is an individual journey that requires personal effort.

The future is not the image that you live to imagine. It is the hard work which determines the reality aspect of it.

The future is not a castle that has been built somewhere. It is your daily activities which determine the kind of castle you deserve to live in.

The future is not a million miles away from you. It is the shortest destination as far as time and season keep changing.

The future is not only one person's song. It is general lyrics which form different songs to sing according to the capability of voices.

The future is not a property to inherit. It is a world that requires your creativity.

The future is not a distance. It is the destination that forms the destiny of life. - Gyan Andrew

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